What Leo Needs

What Leo Needs

What the King/Queen of the Jungle wants more than anything else is to be fawned over. Being a devoted sort, the Lion will return this gesture in kind, making a partner feel special, indeed. Allover with the right, vibes who comes bearing gifts, exudes class and remembers that it's nothing but the best for this stellar cat, is clever and wise. The one who can bring out the true Lion, which is often hiding behind the glare of white lights and preening to an adoring crowd, will do both of them a favor. In the end, Leo's lover must always remember who is number one, and act on this all the time. The Leo lover is giving and devoted, and lives for the pleasures that life can bring. One of these is putting them squarely in the spotlight, where they believe they truly belong. Anyone willing to bask in the Lion's warm glow is in for a red-hot time!